traci – Technical Writing English 3764 @ Virginia Tech – Spring 2014 Tue, 15 Jul 2014 01:52:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Project 4 Presentations, Day Two Tue, 06 May 2014 18:38:25 +0000 Read more →

Today we have the following presentations scheduled:

9:05 Class
9:10: Kit, Ashley, Kevin, Leon, and Ryan
9:40: Katie, Katelyn, Erica, and Sung-Jun

10:10 Class
10:15: Lauren, Monica, Becca, and Michelle
10:30: Nadeem, Ale, Steven, and Jaeil
10:45: Kayla, Zac, and Mary

1:25 Class
1:30: Josh, Luke, Chase, and John
1:50: James, Charlie, Kevin, Jerry, and Brian

Answers to FAQs

Can I get more extra credit?
No. There was one extra credit in-class grade (the group selfies) and there is one opportunity for extra credit that counts with your project grades (the final). I have also dropped your lowest in-class writing grade.
Can I rewrite a project to improve the grade?
No. I don’t do rewrites. I set up assignments to allow plenty of time for multiple drafts before the due date.
When will you have Project 4 graded?
As soon as possible. I cannot begin grading your group’s work, however, until every group member turns in an Individual Evaluation of Group Members.
What’s the grade scale?
The grade scale is based on the 4.0 scale, multiplied by 25 to make a 100 point scale.
Do you round grades?
No. You need the number listed on the grade scale to earn the listed grade. For instance, you need 82.5 for a B+. If you have 81.25, you have earned a B.
How does the attendance policy figure into the grade?
I review final grades once everything is graded, take into account participation and attendance, and make adjustments as warranted. The attendance policy affects you if you have significantly more than 2 unexcused absences.

Project 4 Due Date

By 11:55 PM on Wednesday, 5/7, one member of your group needs to email me the links to your written report and your presentation (and cc everyone else in the group).

Also by 11:55 PM on Wednesday, 5/7, you need to complete your Individual Evaluation of Group Members (go to Assignments in Scholar and choose P4). There are no grace periods on these deadlines.

Final Exam

The Final Exam is open and available now. If you choose to take the exam, please turn it in by the end of your scheduled exam period:

  • CRN #13260 (9:05 MWF): Due by 9:45 AM on Tues, May 13
  • CRN #13261 (10:10 MWF): Due by 3:05 PM on Fri, May 9
  • CRN #19530 (1:25 MWF): Due by 5:25 PM on Tues, May 13

Course Evaluations

Please fill out the Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) survey for this course. The feedback helps the department make important decisions about teaching methods, course content, and faculty promotion. Written comments help me decide what to keep or change the next time I teach the course. In many ways, I find the written comments the most helpful part of the evaluation. I do not see the feedback until several weeks after the last day of class, and your comments are anonymous.

Project 4 Presentations, Day 1 Mon, 05 May 2014 04:25:38 +0000 Read more →

Today we have the following presentations scheduled:

9:05 Class
9:10: Dag, Mike, Michael, and Nick
9:25: Andrew, Megan, Pat, and Duke
9:40: Meg, Andrew, Nathan, and John

10:10 Class
10:15: Wiktor, Mike, Harold, and Kyle
10:30: Caitlin, Ezra, and Grace
10:45: Michael, Zack, Alpha, Medhin, and Chylsea

1:25 Class
1:30: Myron, Marc, Brianna, Zihan, and Vanessa
1:50: Tianyu, Colin, Clarissa, Leah, Tay, and Will

Project 4 Due Date

By 11:55 PM on Wednesday, 5/7, one member of your group needs to email me the links to your written report and your presentation (and cc everyone else in the group).

Also by 11:55 PM on Wednesday, 5/7, you need to complete your Individual Evaluation of Group Members (go to Assignments in Scholar and choose P4). There are no grace periods on these deadlines.

Final Exam

The Final Exam is open and available now. If you choose to take the exam, please turn it in by the end of your scheduled exam period:

  • CRN #13260 (9:05 MWF): Due by 9:45 AM on Tues, May 13
  • CRN #13261 (10:10 MWF): Due by 3:05 PM on Fri, May 9
  • CRN #19530 (1:25 MWF): Due by 5:25 PM on Tues, May 13

Course Evaluations

Please fill out the Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) survey for this course. The feedback helps the department make important decisions about teaching methods, course content, and faculty promotion. Written comments help me decide what to keep or change the next time I teach the course. In many ways, I find the written comments the most helpful part of the evaluation. I do not see the feedback until several weeks after the last day of class, and your comments are anonymous.

Intro to the Final Exam Thu, 01 May 2014 18:00:47 +0000 Read more →

Friday, 5/2, we will go over the assignment for the final exam, and then you will have the remainder of the class session to continue your work as a group. Friday is the last day we will work on the projects in class. Presentations begin on Monday and continue on Wednesday.

Remember that by 11:55 PM on Wednesday, 5/7, one member of your group needs to email me the links to your written report and your presentation (and cc everyone else in the group). Also by 11:55 PM on Wednesday, 5/7, you need to complete your Individual Evaluation of Group Members (go to Assignments in Scholar and choose P4). There are no grace periods on these deadlines.

Course Evaluations

evil-plotting-raccoon-meme-generator-course-evaluation-day-finally-i-have-my-revenge-58b26eIf you will, please fill out the Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) survey for this course. The feedback helps the department make important decisions about teaching methods, course content, and faculty promotion. Written comments help me decide what to keep or change the next time I teach the course. In many ways, I find the written comments the most helpful part of the evaluation. I do not see the feedback until several weeks after the last day of class, and your comments are anonymous.

Summary of Important Dates

5/02: Group slideshow and recommendation report should be done
5/05 and 5/07: Presentations in class
5/07: Recommendation Report and Slides Due (Group submission)
5/07: Individual Evaluation of Group Work Due (in Assignments in Scholar)

Final exams:
CRN #13260 (9:05 MWF): Due by 9:45 AM on Tues, May 13
CRN #13261 (10:10 MWF): Due by 3:05 PM on Fri, May 9
CRN #19530 (1:25 MWF): Due by 5:25 PM on Tues, May 13

Working on Project 4 Wed, 30 Apr 2014 02:59:30 +0000 Read more →

You have the entire class session on 4/30 to continue your work. I will take roll and answer questions. In addition to working on your written report and presentation, you can test whether the laptop you want to use for your presentation works with the projector Wednesday or Friday.

I have added some Project 4 Tips that you should consult. In particular, be sure that you have backups of your slides for the day of your presentation.

I also have an announcement. I’m teaching English 3844: Writing and Digital Media (this term’s website) in the fall, and am looking for students interested in a 9:05 MWF section. The course is required for Professional Writing Majors and Minors. It would count as an elective for anyone else. If you’re interested, please let me know.

Friday, 5/2

I will go over the final exam assignment, and then you will have the remainder of the class session to work on your reports and slides. You should aim to have all your work finished by the end of class so that you are ready to present next week.

Week of 5/5

You will present your oral reports in class. On the last day of class, you will also work on your Individual Evaluation of Group Members.

Summary of Important Dates

5/02: Group slideshow and recommendation report should be done
5/05 and 5/07: Presentations in class
5/07: Recommendation Report and Slides Due (Group submission)
5/07: Individual Evaluation of Group Work Due (in Assignments in Scholar)

Final exams:
CRN #13260 (9:05 MWF): Due by 9:45 AM on Tues, May 13
CRN #13261 (10:10 MWF): Due by 3:05 PM on Fri, May 9
CRN #19530 (1:25 MWF): Due by 5:25 PM on Tues, May 13

Presentation Time Sign-Up Day! Mon, 28 Apr 2014 00:06:32 +0000 Read more →

Thank you for turning in your progress reports. I’m still responding to everything. Look for feedback soon. In the meantime, today you will sign up for your presentation time slot and continue working on your projects.

Monday, 4/28

Today, your group will go to Scholar and sign up for a presentation time next week. The sign-up form will open 5 minutes after class starts, in order to allow every group a fair chance at the time slots. The slots are 15 or 20 minutes long, depending upon the class you are in. That time takes into account your setup, presentation, and tear down.

To sign-up, ONE person for your group should follow these steps:

  1. Ask the group when you want to do your presentation generally, or just collaborate as you work in Scholar.
  2. Log into Scholar and go to our class.
  3. Choose the Sign-up Tool.
  4. Choose the day you want of those that are available.
  5. Under Action, click Sign Up.
  6. Click Finish to complete sign-up.

After you have signed up, you the rest of the session to continue work on your recommendation report as well as to plan and practice your oral report.

Wednesday, 4/30

You will have the entire class session to continue your work. I will take roll and answer questions. 1:25 Class: I may be late, as we have another 12:15 meeting just before your class. Go ahead and get to work, even if I’m not there yet please.

Friday, 5/2

I will go over the final exam assignment, and then you will have the remainder of the class session to work on your reports and slides. You should aim to have all your work finished by the end of class so that you are ready to present next week.

Week of 5/5

You will present your oral reports in class. On the last day of class, you will also work on your Individual Evaluation of Group Members.

Summary of Important Dates

4/28: Sign up for presentation time
5/02: Group slideshow and recommendation report should be done
5/05 and 5/07: Presentations in class
5/07: Recommendation Report and Slides Due (Group submission)
5/07: Individual Evaluation of Group Work Due (in Assignments in Scholar)

Final exams:
CRN #13260 (9:05 MWF): Due by 9:45 AM on Tues, May 13
CRN #13261 (10:10 MWF): Due by 3:05 PM on Fri, May 9
CRN #19530 (1:25 MWF): Due by 5:25 PM on Tues, May 13

Writing Progress Reports Thu, 24 Apr 2014 18:40:04 +0000 Read more →

Thank you all for your group selfies. They were much fun, and it was nice to see most of you meeting to work on the recommendation reports.

Writing a Progress Report

By the end of class today, your group should email me the Google Share Link to your Progress Report. The report should include all your accomplishments through today’s class. Check the examples and additional details (including your textbook) for more information. In addition to writing a progress report, you will continue working on the recommendation report and presentation during this session.

Week of 4/28

You will have all the class sessions this week to continue and finalize your recommendation report as well as plan and practice your oral report. Your group will be able to sign up for an oral presentation time slot on Monday, 4/28 in class. I will post the final exam assignment by the end of the week.

Week of 5/5

You will present your oral reports in class. On the last day of class, you will work on your Individual Evaluation of Group Members.

Summary of Important Dates

4/25: Progress Report Due
4/28: Sign up for presentation time
5/02: Group slideshow and recommendation report should be done
5/05 and 5/07: Presentations in class
5/07: Recommendation Report and Slides Due (Group submission)
5/07: Individual Evaluation of Group Work Due (in Assignments in Scholar)

Final exams:
CRN #13260 (9:05 MWF): Due by 9:45 AM on Tues, May 13
CRN #13261 (10:10 MWF): Due by 3:05 PM on Fri, May 9
CRN #19530 (1:25 MWF): Due by 5:25 PM on Tues, May 13

Independent Group Work Day Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:53:08 +0000 Read more →

April 23 will be an independent work day. We will not meet in the classroom. I will be on campus and will hold office hours as usual.

Your group should have chosen alternative plans for working today during the last class session. If you were absent during the last class session, someone from your group should have contacted you. If you aren’t sure what you should be doing, use the method for connecting with one another that you included in your Group Work Statement to contact your group and find out what you need to know.

Friday, we will meet in the class again to continue group work on the project.

In-Class Writing

Email me a group selfie of your group at work for an extra credit in-class writing grade for your group members. :)

The Rules

  • Images must be received by 8 AM on Friday, 4/25.
  • The image needs to show the majority of your group members.
  • Only people in the image get credit.
  • You may wear silly hats and feather boas, if desired.
  • The image needs show that you are working and not hanging out eating burritos at Moe’s or some similar silly pastime.

Successful group participants will receive the traditional 4/4 points for the extra credit activity.

Writing Recommendation Reports Fri, 18 Apr 2014 20:54:35 +0000 Read more →

Monday, April 21, we’ll talk about the sections you should include in your group report. I also have the following examples for you to look at:

Written Reports


Remember as you look at the examples, that (1) none of them is perfect, (2) students were analyzing a larger website, (3) students had longer time slots for their presentations (7 to 10 minutes, where you have 5 to 7), and (4) the formatting is off in a few places because of Google Drive conversion.

After I we talk about these resources, you will have the rest of the session to work on your reports. You will need to plan how you will work together for our independent work day on 4/23. I will check with each group to hear what your plan is.

Wednesday, 4/23

April 23 will be an independent work day. We will not meet in the classroom. Your group may connect online or choose an alternative meeting place. You might also choose to work on sections of the report independently that day. I will be on campus this day and will hold office hours as usual.

Friday, 4/25

By the end of the day, your group should email me the Google Share Links to your Progress Report. The report should include all your accomplishments through Friday. Check the examples and additional details (including your textbook) for more information. In addition to writing a progress report, you will continue working on the recommendation report and presentation during this session.

Week of 4/28

You will have all the class sessions this week to continue and finalize your recommendation report as well as plan and practice your oral report. Your group will be able to sign up for an oral presentation time slot on Monday, 4/28 in class.

Week of 5/5

You will present your oral reports in class. On the last day of class, you will work on your Individual Evaluation of Group Members, and we will discuss the final exam activity.

Turning In Project 4 Memos Fri, 18 Apr 2014 02:41:57 +0000 Read more →

Today, Friday, 4/18

Work? I is on top of itBy the end of the day, your group should email me the Google Share Links to your Group Work Statement, Audience Analysis, and Website Analysis Checklist, which will be worth 3 in-class writing credits. Just one of you needs to email for the group, but please do include all your names and CC all group members. Refer to the assignment and to the examples in the blog post for last class for more information.

If you finish your three documents before the end of class, I suggest you move on to evaluating the information that you find on your section of the Career Services website. You can gather your first impressions of the section, and then move on to using your checklist as you make a thorough review of the site’s strengths and weaknesses.

Monday, 4/21

On Monday, I’ll talk about the sections I will expect to see in your group report, and I will have some example reports for you to look at. After I present that information, you will have the rest of the session to work on your reports. You will need to plan how you will work together for our independent work day on 4/23.

Wednesday, 4/23

April 23 will be an independent work day. We will not meet in the classroom. Your group may connect online or choose an alternative meeting place. You might also choose to work on sections of the report independently that day. I will be on campus this day and will hold office hours as usual.

Friday, 4/25

By the end of the day, your group should email me the Google Share Links to your Progress Report. The report should include all your accomplishments through Friday. More details and some examples will be available in class. In addition to writing a progress report, you will continue working on the recommendation report and presentation during this session.

Week of 4/28

You will have all the class sessions this week to continue and finalize your recommendation report as well as plan and practice your oral report. Your group will be able to sign up for an oral presentation time slot on Monday, 4/28 in class.

Final Exam Logistics Wed, 16 Apr 2014 13:01:54 +0000 Read more →

The final exam for this course will work as extra credit. I'll share more details on how it will count during the last week of class. For now, you need to know the following details:

  • The exam is an optional, extra credit assignment.
  • The exam is a take-home, online assignment due by the end of your exam period.
  • The exam will take you 15 to 30 minutes to complete.
  • The exam will open the last day of classes.

Note that the exam will open before I will post the grades for Project 4. If you are unsure whether you want to complete the final, I suggest you go ahead and plan on doing it. It cannot hurt your grade.

Here are the exam deadlines for all three classes:

CRN #13260 (9:05 MWF): Due by 9:45 AM on Tues, May 13
CRN #13261 (10:10 MWF): Due by 3:05 PM on Fri, May 9
CRN #19530 (1:25 MWF): Due by 5:25 PM on Tues, May 13
