Introduction to Project 2

Today, we begin Project 2, an assignment that asks you to write technical definitions, descriptions, and step-by-step instructions. Markel, Chapter 14 (“Writing Definitions, Descriptions, and Instructions”) will be your best friend as we work on this project. We’ll also return to the information on audience and purpose from Chapter 4, and we’ll look at some relevant information in Chapter 8 (“Creating Graphics”).

Here’s what we’ll do today:

  • I’ll explain the requirements for Project 2, and talk about some changes to the schedule.
  • We’ll brainstorm some potential topics for Project 2, and talk about how to ensure that they are specific enough
  • We’ll find some examples of technical definitions, descriptions, and step-by-step instructions on the Virginia Tech website.
  • We’ll end with the in-class writing. Go to “Tests & Quizzes” in Scholar and complete today’s assignment, “02/21 Major Website Analysis.”


On Monday, I will ask you to propose your topic for Project 2 for the in-class writing. Spend some time this weekend thinking about possibilities and choose a topic. Think about your specific audience and purpose as they relate to that topic. Return to the information on audience and purpose in Chapter 4 if you need a refresher.

We will also talk about definitions (pp. 358–366), so be sure you have read that section of the text.