Presenting Group Job-App Materials

Today, you and the members of your group will present the job-application materials for your cartoon character.

The Class Activity

  1. You will have about 10 to 15 minutes to make any last minute changes to your cartoon job-app materials and get ready to present them.
  2. Each group will make a short presentation, with your materials displayed on the screen. There will be laughing and applauding.

In-Class Writing

You will have the last 10 to 15 minutes of class to compose your Project 3 writing plan for approval.

Go to “Tests & Quizzes” in Scholar and complete today’s assignment, “03/28 P3 Topic.” You have until 5 PM Saturday, 3/29, to turn in your work.


Starting Monday, you will be working independently and with your group on Project 3. Have the resources with you that you need to get started. The goal for Monday will be to share your plan with the others in your group and do some work to establish criteria for your project. We’ll go over the summary and reflection writing I want you to do each session for your in-class writing as well.