You and your group will work on Project 4 together from today through May 2. This week, I expect you to be reading the resources listed on the Project page, exploring your section of the website, and working on the three documents that are due on Friday, April 18.
Examples for Project 4
These examples were written by students who took Technical Writing in the Fall. They are uncorrected student work. Some are better than others. Use them to get a general idea of the kinds of information that you should include in your group documents.
Group Work Statement
Website Audience Analysis
Website Analysis Checklist
- Writer’s Checklist from Markel
- Example Questions for Website Checklists
- Housing Website Analysis Table
Work This Week
The readings for this project are Chapter 13 (“Writing Recommendation Reports”) and the section on “Designing Web Sites” in Chapter 7 (pp. 169–174 of “Designing Documents and Web Sites”). You will also use Chapter 15 (“Making Oral Presentations”).
By the end of the week, your group should email me the Google Share Links to your Group Work Statement, Audience Analysis, and Website Analysis Checklist due, which will be worth 3 in-class writing credits. Just one of you needs to email for the group, but please do include all your names and CC all group members.
If you finish work on your three documents for the week, I suggest you move on to evaluating the information that you find on your section of the Career Services website. You can gather your first impressions of the section, and then move on to using your checklist as you make a thorough review of the site’s strengths and weaknesses.
On Monday, I’ll talk about the sections I will expect to see in your group report, and I will have some example reports for you to look at.