Monthly Archives: February 2014

Writing Instructions

The third part you need to include in Project 2 is a set of step-by-step instructions for how to complete a task. Your instructions will include a list of required materials, details on the steps to be completed, and any…

Writing Descriptions

You will use technical description to introduce and provide background information on the topic you have chosen for Project 2. Your goal will be to provide the reader with enough information to tell if the document will help her by…

Writing Definitions

For Project 2, you need to include a glossary of the key terms that relate to the topic that you have chosen. You probably know a great deal about definitions, since most of you have been looking up words in…

Introduction to Project 2

Today, we begin Project 2, an assignment that asks you to write technical definitions, descriptions, and step-by-step instructions. Markel, Chapter 14 (“Writing Definitions, Descriptions, and Instructions”) will be your best friend as we work on this project. We’ll also return…

Sassy Email Responses

I have a change of plans for today. I am still setting up Project 2, so we’re going to talk about those personal email messages that you will ultimately have to send to a teacher or manager instead. At some…

Submitting Project 1

Today is the due date for Project 1. We’ll talk about the reflection memo and how to submit your project. While we will not talk about Project 1 after today, you have a one-week grace period if you need it.…

Review, Tips, and Pointers for Project 1

Project 1 is due on Friday, February 14 (I know. It’s not the best Valentine’s Day present.) In class today, we’ll go over some tips related to the project, and I will answer any questions that you have about the…

Writing Correspondence

Today, class will meet online only, because of a last-minute family obligation that has come up for me. I asked you to read Chapter 9, “Writing Correspondence” for today. The chapter covers writing letters, memos, and email messages. From what…

Peer Review for Project 1

Today is peer review day for the first project. You’ll pair up with another student in the classroom, share your Google Docs with each other, and add comments. At the end of the session, be sure to log into Scholar…

Designing Documents

Today we will talk about document design, focusing on the four principles of design as outlined in Markel, Chapter 7. The basis for every good design is a mixture of these principles: Proximity, Alignment, Repetition, and Contrast. Go to “Tests…