Class Notes

Intro to Technical Writing

Today, we begin the first writing assignment and establish the definition of technical writing that we will use for the term. Get started by going to “Tests & Quizzes” in Scholar and completing today’s in-class writing, “01/27 Characteristics of Tech…

Class Logistics and Tools

We’ll spend class today talking about the structure for each class session and going over the tools that we’ll use during the term. Specifically, we’ll set up sharing and talk about how to use Google Drive, I’ll share some tutorials…

Welcome to Technical Writing

Welcome to English 3764, Technical Writing. This site is the official home for our course. All assignments, weekly and daily activities, and related resources will be posted here. Be sure to bookmark it. We will use several other sites for…

1:25 Class Introductions

For today, you have one activity to complete: Add a comment to this post that introduces yourself to me and the class, and answers the following questions: Give us some basic facts about yourself—who are you, what’s your major/minor, what…

10:10 Class Introductions

For today, you have one activity to complete: Add a comment to this post that introduces yourself to me and the class, and answers the following questions: Give us some basic facts about yourself—who are you, what’s your major/minor, what…

9:05 Class Introductions

For today, you have one activity to complete: Add a comment to this post that introduces yourself to me and the class, and answers the following questions: Give us some basic facts about yourself—who are you, what’s your major/minor, what…