Intro to Technical Writing

Today, we begin the first writing assignment and establish the definition of technical writing that we will use for the term.

  1. Get started by going to “Tests & Quizzes” in Scholar and completing today’s in-class writing, “01/27 Characteristics of Tech Writing.” You’ll have about 15 minutes to get your thoughts written down. Your work will be graded for effort and completeness, but minor issues in spelling, grammar, and punctuation won’t matter.
  2. Once everyone finishes the writing, we’ll talk about the three websites in class: American Cancer Society (a nonprofit organization), MTV (a commercial site aimed at young people), and American Chemical Society (the site of a professional society).
  3. Finally, we’ll go over the assignment for Project 1 and talk about how it connects to Chapter 1 of Markel.


Read Chapter 2 of Markel (“Understanding Ethical and Legal Considerations”). Be ready to apply the ideas from the chapter in class on Wednesday.